Any other Melbournites on the list?

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"In Seattle, the puzzle started to come together. We actually saw the
emergence of a citizen based alternative paradigm of how we need to
organize the economy, how we need to govern markets, what should be
the powers of citizens, what should be the powers of governments, and
what limits should be placed on corporate greed...... And that is
precisely what the followup work after Seattle has become....
Oh, yes, it's doable."

We really couldn't have hoped for a better speaker to be coming to 
Melbourne pre-S-11. (Bill Gates, Schmill Gates.) Vandana Shiva is one of 
the most powerful and articulate opponents of corporate globalisation 
around. She is a great advocate of biodiversity and traditional farming 
methods over those favoured by patent holding multinationals and is 
considered the founder of ecofeminism. I recommend you check out a speech 
she made as part of the BBC Reith lectures if you haven't already.
She is speaking in Melbourne as part of the Community Advocacy Project's 
conference, details below:

conference: global capitalism - local responses

                   SUNDAY 10 SEPTEMBER - 9am - 5.30pm

              RMIT storey hall, swanston street, melbourne

                  Bridging the economic and the social.

A distinctive one-day conference to highlight hidden issues on the eve of 
the World Economic Forum meeting in Melbourne, featuring world renowned 
ecofeminist DR VANDANA SHIVA.

           Who has been marginalised SWEPT ASIDE excluded in 
                   the processes of "globalisation"?

welcome: by local Aboriginal elders

panel discussion:
What globalisation really means; the role of the state; women's responses 
to globalisation; the statešs role in developing culture.

Associate Professor Rob Watts, RMIT
Associate Professor Terry Laidler, RMIT

keynote conference address:
by international guest Doctor Vandana Shiva

>From India, the founder of ecofeminism and one of the world's leading 
campaigners against the devastating human and environmental impacts of 
corporate engineered international trade agreements.

The conference will also feature DISCUSSION GROUPS on:
- The role of Local Government in today's global context.
- The need for true measures of progress and human well-being.
- Lessons from various advocacy efforts and campaigns, successful and 
  unsuccessful, including The Fair Wear Campaign.
- Women's responses to globalisation.
- The rights of people with disabilities - to be seen and
- Corporations  chasing the 'Pink Dollar' and the real human rights
  records of those corporations.
- Using the media effectively in campaign efforts.
- The internet and democracy.
- The use of international standards, instruments and avenues to achieve 
  justice for Australia's indigenous peoples.
- Third World Debt - what we can and should do in Australia.

cost: $25 full, $10 concession
more info at

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