
Stefanie Rixecker
ECOFEM Coordinator
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Call for Proposals

CWSA (Canadian Women's Studies Association) Conference
Date: May 25-27, 2001
Location: Universite de Laval, Quebec City, Qc.

The Canadian Women's Studies Association is now seeking proposals, in
either English or French, for its annual conference, held in
conjunction with the Congress of the HSSFC. We encourage presentations
in a variety of formats, including papers, panels, workshops,
roundtables, poster sessions, film and video screenings, performance
art pieces, exhibits, and cultural events. We particularly welcome
proposals specifically addressing the conference theme described
below, but are interested in all proposals for presentations that
explore new scholarship, knowledge, ideas, thinking, and issues
related to Women's Studies. Submissions can be made by individuals or
groups, and as joint sessions with other associations.

Conference Theme:
"Across, Between, and Within Generations: Re-thinking Women's Studies"

At the start of the new millenium, the meaning and status of the term
"Women's Studies" have become increasingly contentious in a variety of
venues as multiple voices and positions subject the question of
defining the term to increased scrutiny, challenge and re-examination.
This year's special conference theme seeks to explore some of the
current debates, questions, issues, conflicts, anxieties,
possibilities, and opportunities raised by these multiple
re-examinations through asking (and answering?) questions such as:
"What is Women's Studies today?" "How is Women's Studies imagined
across the many definitions of generations?" "How might it be
re-imagined?" "Is Women's Studies (still) relevant? How is that
relevance understood by those different generations?"

New this year:
We are planning to include more joint sessions with other associations
and an increased number of participant proposed panels, workshops, and
roundtables for more interactive participation. In addition, we will
have several plenary sessions addressing topics related to the
conference theme, such as current challenges and opportunities in
rethinking Women's Studies, interrelationships between Women's Studies
and other `new' critical approaches such as queer studies,
postcolonial studies, etc., and issues in institutionalizing Ph.D.
programs in Women's Studies.

How to submit:
Proposals will be reviewed anonymously. All submissions must include a
300-word abstract or description of your presentation and a completed
proposal form. Please also indicate on the form if you are submitting
as part of this year's conference theme. Please note that you must be
a member of CWSA in order to present. (Proposal and memberships forms
are also available online at the CWSA website at

Proposals can be sent either via regular (snail) mail or email to the
following address:

CWSA / ACEF Conference                          or              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
c/o Women's Studies Program
University of Prince Edward Island
550 University Ave
Charlottetown, PE C1A 4P3

Deadline: All proposals must be received by midnight Sunday, December
3, 2000. No late proposals will be considered.

For more information: Contact Ann Braithwaite, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Barbara Crow, [EMAIL PROTECTED], or Liz Kaethler,

Please photocopy and circulate widely

Ann Braithwaite, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Coordinator, Women's Studies
University of Prince Edward Island
550 University Ave.
Charlottetown, PE C1A 4P3


List Info:
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Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker, Senior Lecturer
Environmental Management & Design Division
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 84
Aotearoa New Zealand
Fax: 64-03-325-3841

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