
Stefanie Rixecker
ECOFEM Coordinator

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From: Tom Dietz
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Preliminary Announcement and Request for Contributions

The IUSSP/IHDP Population-Environment Research Network

The Population-Environment Research Network is a new internet resource for
scientists and scholars that will go on-line in January of 2001 at the
internet address The Network was
created by the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population
(IUSSP) and the International Human Dimensions Program (IHDP) for Global
Environmental Change with funding from the John D. and Catherine T.
MacArthur Foundation in the United States and is being supervised by a
Steering Committee and International Advisory Board of scholars and
experts. The Center for International Earth Science Information Network
(CIESIN) at Columbia University in the United States is providing network
development and support. The goal is to provide the first global
resource specifically focused on current scientific research in
population-environment dynamics, provide an online searchable database,
encourage active academic exchanges and collaboration and help consolidate
population-environment studies as a significant research field within
demography and the social sciences.

The Network will provide free web-based access to the latest literature,
data, project news and findings from population and environment research
around the globe. In February 2001 the Network will host the first
international cyber-seminar and electronic conference through the website
that will focus on population dynamics, migration and coastal and marine
resources and ecosystems.

The Network is now soliciting contributions from researchers for recent
publications, working papers, bibliographies, conference presentations,
datasets, project descriptions and other materials to enter into the
Network s database. Electronic and hardcopy materials are welcome. Please
send electronic materials, bibliographic citations or URLs for on-line
documents to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please send or fax hardcopy
materials to the Washington Headquarters at the address below.
Contributions are welcome from diverse disciplines including: Demography,
Geography, Anthropology, History, Political Science, Ecology, Biology,
Environmental Studies and Mathematics. To find out more about the Network
in general contact the network coordinators.

Population and Environment Research Network, Washington Headquarters, 4611
Bayard Road, Bethesda, MD 20816 USA, Tel/Fax

Network Coordinators: Catherine Marquette (email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
) and Laura Murphy (email: [EMAIL PROTECTED])


Dr. Neil T. M.  Hamilton

Deputy Executive Director,
International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change,
Walter-Flex-Str. 3
53113 Bonn


phone: +49 228 - 739 051
fax: +49 228 - 73 90 54
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Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker, Senior Lecturer
Environmental Management & Design Division
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 84
Aotearoa New Zealand
Fax: 64-03-325-3841

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