I was asked to forward this to the ECOLOG list.  Please send all inquiries to 
Dr. Hallgren.

Don Bragg

Oklahoma State University
Department of Forestry

The OSU Department of Forestry seeks to fill a PhD assistantship position in 
forest ecology to contribute to the project, "Reconstruction of Fire Regimes 
and Stand Dynamics of the Oak Forests in the Oklahoma Cross Timbers". The 
student will actively participate in the research efforts of a team of 
researchers including faculty at OSU, the University of Arkansas and the USDA 
Forest Service. The student will be responsible for developing a research 
question and experimental approach, and conducting field research concerning 
reconstruction of fire history and stand dynamics.

The Cross Timbers vegetation type is a mosaic of tallgrass prairie, oak 
woodland and oak forest covering almost 5 million hectares from southeastern 
Kansas across Oklahoma to north-central Texas. It retains some of the best 
preserved old-growth oak forests in the south-central US because the forest has 
little commercial timber value and the land is not suitable for agriculture. 
Fire has played a dominant role in determining the vegetation composition and 
structure of the Cross Timbers. The exclusion of fire over many decades has led 
to changes in the vegetation and the role of fire and fire regime attributes. 
The potential changes due to fire exclusion include loss of biodiversity, more 
dangerous fire regime and lower productivity.

Position: The student will enroll in a PhD program in the Plant Sciences 
Program at OSU starting Fall 2006.  The stipend will be $20,000 per year for 
three years and will be renewed each year based on satisfactory progress. 
Benefits include waiver of non-resident tuition, partial waiver of resident 
tuition and health insurance.

Application: Please provide the following by April 1, 2006: statement of 
purpose, three letters of reference, curriculum vitae, official transcripts of 
all college level study, GRE scores and a completed OSU Graduate College 
application. Preference will be given to US citizens and students with a GPA of 
at least 3.0. Applicants should have academic experience in a field that 
provides background for forest ecology research described above.

Steve Hallgren
Department of Forestry
Oklahoma State University
008C Agricultural Hall
Stillwater OK 74078-6013
Office: 1 405 744 6805
Fax: 1 405 744 3530

Don C. Bragg, Ph.D.
Research Forester
USDA Forest Service
Southern Research Station

The opinions expressed in this message are my own, and not necessarily those of 
the Southern Research Station, the Forest Service, or the USDA.

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