M.S. Graduate Assistantship

Stephen F. Austin State University

Position description: A research assistantship will be available in fall
2006 or winter 2007 for an M.S. student in the Arthur Temple College of
Forestry and Agriculture, Stephen F. Austin State University studying
population genetics of Eastern wild turkeys in East Texas.  This project
will involve the use of multiple genetic analyses to examine population
structure and stocking history using tissues from harvested and captured
birds.  The project will involve working as part of a research team
including cooperators from Texas A&M-College Station, Texas A&M-Kingsville,
and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.  Stipend is $1,200 per month,
with an out of state tuition waiver and optional health insurance.

Qualifications: Position requires a B.S. in wildlife science, forestry,
biology, or related field.  A demonstrated strong work ethic and the ability
to work independently or as part of a team are required.  Experience with
genetics analyses or other laboratory work is preferred but not required.
Minimum academic qualifications include GRE scores > 1000 (verbal +
quantitative) and undergraduate GPA > 3.0.  A valid driver's license is

To apply: Send a cover letter, resume, copies of transcripts and GRE scores,
and contact information for 3 professional references to:

Dr. Christopher E. Comer
Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture
Box 6109 SFA Station
Nacogdoches, TX  75962

The targeted start date is before January 2007 and applications will be
accepted until October 1, 2006.

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