M.S. Graduate Research Assistantship on Eastern Wild Turkey Breeding Ecology

Position Description:
Through a collaborative effort among the Texas Parks and Wildlife
Department, Stephen F. Austin State University, and Texas A&M University, we
are seeking a Master's student to perform a research project on Eastern wild
turkey breeding ecology in East Texas.  Specifically, through collaboration
with other graduate students, the successful candidate will examine breeding
ecology of wild turkeys; examining nest site selection, nest success, and
poult survival, among others on public and private lands in East Texas.
Successful candidate will be involved in capturing, handling, marking, and
radio-locating hens and poults during this study.

B.S. in Wildlife Science/Management, Ecology, Biology, Zoology or closely
related field.  A strong work ethic, leadership, and ability to work both
independently and as a key element of an interdisciplinary research team
required.  Good organizational, verbal and written communication skills
essential.  Research interest/experience with upland gamebirds, geospatial
techniques, wildlife ecology, behavior, and/or physiology preferred, but not
required.  Must have valid driver's license
        Minimum 3.00 G.P.A. and 900 GRE scores.

Approximately $15,000 / year for a 12 month assistantship (includes
insurance), for 3 years.  Nonresident tuition waived, but resident tuition
fees apply.  

Start between 1 September 2006 and 1 January 2007
Application Period:  1 August 2006 until suitable candidate is found.

To Apply:  
Either via email or regular mail, send application, including cover letter
stating research interests and career goals; resume/CV, copies of
transcripts and GRE scores, reprints, and 3 letters of reference (may be
mailed separately) to:

Dr. Warren C. Conway
Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture
Stephen F. Austin State University
Nacogdoches, Texas  75962-6109
Phone:  936-468-2090

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