Not only is it a challenge to incorporate pregnancy and child-rearing into 
professional lives, but women (and men) also have the occasional challenge 
of coping with infertility issues. With this comes the need to stay close to 
the doctor's office to be monitored regularly throughout treatment. 
Sometimes this is as much as every 3 days for drawing blood.

This presents a further challenge for a woman who may often be involved with 
field work.  I'm sure those who are well-established in a company and are 
proactive in planning their professional and personal work lives can work 
this out well in advance with their coworkers one way or another.

How about a woman who is looking for a job while her biological clock is 
ticking and she is staying the course with family planning?  It's difficult 
to coordinate with a potential employer who expects involvement in field 
work - she wants to be available and to prove her worth in the job, but at 
the same time family is also very important and time is of the essence to 
her.  How is she to delicately approach this situation with the potential 
employer whom she fears may feel she will not have enough commitment?  How 
has this been dealt with?  The woman could shift her priorities and aim for 
positions that are more focused in office work but that also presents a 
challenge because she hasn't had enough experience in office work...  I have 
a friend who is going through this and I would be interested in hearing 
feedback that I can pass on to her.  Feel free to respond to me off list 
since I realize this listserve may not be the most appropriate venue for 
this discussion.


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