Late night thoughts while listening to........this discussion. 

I'll make it short and sweet. To my female colleagues and especially those 
trying to 
make the choice between a shorter tenure track and having kids. This is my view 
from the advantage of hindsight as a tenured prof with one child. If you want 
do it when you want to, not when your department wants you to.....if this is 
important to you, don't put it off. I doubt if you will ever regret the time 
taken off, or 
all the ups and downs that children bring to your life. However, you might 
regret to 
find yourself at 45 without chillren. Maybe. Life is not the number of papers 
publish per year, even if many people may try seem to live by these standards. 
many other things.  Do what YOU want to do, whether it is the choice of the 
kind of 
place you want to work, the setting (a small town instead of a big city), the 
kind of 
research that excites you, work with the people that you like working with..... 
do it 
for you, and not for a system that rewards in strange kinds of ways. Have fun. 

By the way, a partner who shares 50% of the load in all things, including the 
makes ALL the difference as well.  I'm lucky to be living with one  : )

Alison Munson
Professeure, Écologie forestière
Université Laval, Québec

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