Michael.. DEFINITELY worth reading!

thanks for sharing this... and below is what I think is a more direct  
link since when I clicked on this, it said page not found, but when I  
searched on the key words you listed in the title the following came  
up as a direct link I hope:


We're spending a week in  my ecology course this fall on global  
climate change, looking carefully at the assertions of scientists as  
well as nonscientific organizations  and I'm appalled a the level of  
industry maniupulation of the national teacher's association.   
Ironically, one of our local teachers is listed as critcizing the  
NSTA on their conferences subsidizing textbooks and many other  
promoted by the oil and timber compayies... If NSTA can do this,  
surely they can accept free copies of "Inconvenient truth for  
teachers to choose to show or not in classrooms.


On Nov 28, 2006, at 5:13 AM, J. Michael Nolan wrote:

> An article worth reading:
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/11/24/ 
> AR2006112=
> 400789_pf.html
> Thanks.
> Mike Nolan

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