Seems to me that comparing documents produced by various special 
interest groups would make for a very educational and informative lesson 
in and of itself!

Carrie DeJaco

Susan Kephart wrote:
> Michael.. DEFINITELY worth reading!
> thanks for sharing this... and below is what I think is a more direct  
> link since when I clicked on this, it said page not found, but when I  
> searched on the key words you listed in the title the following came  
> up as a direct link I hope:
> AR2006112400789.html
> We're spending a week in  my ecology course this fall on global  
> climate change, looking carefully at the assertions of scientists as  
> well as nonscientific organizations  and I'm appalled a the level of  
> industry maniupulation of the national teacher's association.   
> Ironically, one of our local teachers is listed as critcizing the  
> NSTA on their conferences subsidizing textbooks and many other  
> promoted by the oil and timber compayies... If NSTA can do this,  
> surely they can accept free copies of "Inconvenient truth for  
> teachers to choose to show or not in classrooms.
> Thanks...
> On Nov 28, 2006, at 5:13 AM, J. Michael Nolan wrote:
>> An article worth reading:
>> AR2006112=
>> 400789_pf.html
>> Thanks.
>> Mike Nolan

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