How about serious energy conservation beginning today?  We almost
never hear professional ecologists or activist organizations (e.g. Union 
of Concerned Scientists) proposing immediately lifestyle sacrifices to 
set an example for the rest of society. Very simple, low tech sacrifices. 
What would it take, for example, to get todays ecologists and activists 
out of there 3,300 pound, 25 miles per gallon Subaru Forester SUV's 
and back into the 2,500 pound, 34 miles per gallon Toyota Tercel 
Station Wagon type vehicles they drove 20 years ago?

I frankly don't think todays ecologists and activists are willing to
drive a Tercel like vehicle anymore because:

1) They don't want to drive a car that doesn't have 300 lbs
worth of air bags and structural reinforcements to aid

2) They don't want to drive a car that has fuel economy
optimizing narrow wheels and tires like the Tercel did.

3) They don't want to drive a car that has a fuel economy
optimizing 70 horsepower engine that takes 15 seconds to
accelerate to 60 MPH like the Tercel did.

4) They don't want to drive a a car that has a 5-speed
manual transmission like the Tercel did.

5). They don't even want to see the national 55 miles per hour
speed limit reinstated.

Likewise, I don't think todays professional ecologists (in the USA)
and activists are willing to live in 900-1,400 square foot homes like
they did 20  years ago.  Instead,  it's typical nowadays to see them
purchasing 1,600 - 2,200 square foot homes just like other people
in society that have household incomes in the $60,000 - $120,000
per year range.

Paul Cherubini
El Dorado, Calif.

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