
After being away from it for a few years I have been assigned to teach =
General Ecology for biology majors.  These students are usually juniors =
who have had General Biology, A&P, and Molecular Biology [along with =
General Chemistry and Calculus].  I am writing to seek suggestions for a =
current ecology textbook for this type of student.

Also I have been assigned a course in General Science for non-science =
students.  The topics I am to cover come from all areas of science =
[biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, etc.].  In the past we have =
used The Sciences by Trefil and Hazen, but most of my colleagues did not =
like this text [neither did the students].  Does anyone have a =
suggestion[s] for a text appropriate to this course?

Many thanks.

Michael E. Held
Department of Biology
Saint Peter's College
Jersey City, NJ 07306

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