Wirt, I don't want to be a doom-and-gloomer, but
more-efficient automobiles don't really address the
core problem of declining energy availability year
after year as oil and gas production peak.  Hasn't it
been shown that greater efficiency in our cars and
other machines doesn't actually save energy because it
encourages people to use the machines more?  Only a
commitment to less consumption will help us out of
this jam.  Rising fuel prices will probably eventually
force this commitment on us.  Even if a miracle
technology suddenly appears (which hydrogen-fueled
cars certainly are not), we are already 20 years late
in starting a complete conversion to a new way of
doing things, according the government's own Hirsch
report, which is available at 


or check out the summary at wikipedia for the main


> From:    Wirt Atmar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Given the level of concern that people have
> expressed about reducing their
> ecological footprint, particularly in regard to
> greenhouse gases and fossil fuel
> usage, I thought that I would mention some of the
> work that's being done in
> automobiles that you may not be aware of.

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