Could biodiversity be viewed as "structure" and "function" be reserved for
nutrient cycling etc.?


Scott Ruhren, Ph.D.
Senior Director of Conservation
Audubon Society of Rhode Island
12 Sanderson Road
Smithfield, RI 02917-2600

-----Original Message-----
From: Ecological Society of America: grants, jobs, news
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: Is biodiversity an ecosystem function?

I agree with Casey.  It is problematic, both linguistically and conceptu=
ally, to refer to biodiversity as =93an=94 ecosystem service.  I think i=
t would be helpful to use the terminology and the typology of natural ca=
pital set forth by Daly and Farley in their textbook on ecological econo=
mics.  Natural capital can take the form of stocks, from which goods flo=
w, or funds, from which services flow.  Some elements of natural capital=
, including biodiversity, may take either form.
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Biodiversity may be viewed firstly as a stock from which goods flow, esp=
ecially biodiversity at the species level.  Examples of goods flowing fr=
om the stock of biodiversity include live stock, food, furs, fibers, etc=
.  At the genetic level, the most obvious goods would be genes, for exam=
ple in genetic engineering.  =


Biodiversity may also be viewed as a fund from which services flow, and =
really there is no one authoritative or comprehensive list of such servi=
ces, but they would include all of the services performed by species and=
 of value to humans (e.g., pollination, decomposition) and, at the genet=
ic level, more nuanced services such as the provision of evolutionary ca=
pacity.  At the ecosystem level, one could argue that the =93services=94=
 flowing from the fund of biodiversity would include semi-marketable fun=
ctions such as the provision of aesthetic pleasure, and in such cases th=
e "services" overlap with older typologies of values provided by nature.=


For more details I suggest the Daly/Farley textbook.  =



Brian Czech, Ph.D., President
Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy
SIGN THE POSITION on economic growth at:
G.html .

-- Casey terHorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've always had difficulty understanding how a static measure (such as
biodiversity, or even something like biomass) can be called a function. =
is partly just a semantic issue, but largely a real issue as well.


Casey terHorst
Department of Biological Science
CON 115
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL  32306

Quoting Fabrice De Clerck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I have a quick question for the listserve for which I would be
> interested in hearing people's opinions, and experiences.
> The question is: Is biodiversity an ecosystem service?
> Those of us that work in biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
> studies typically regard biodiversity at the provider of services and
> functions. Tilman's biodiversity and productiity, the biodiversity
> and stability work, biodiversity and pollination (Klein),
> biodiversity and pest control (Perfecto).
> Meanwhile in much of the development and economics literature,
> biodiversity itself is a unique service and function where it is not
> uncommon to see people state that "we will work with farmers to
> improve the capacity of coffee farms to provide critical ecosystem
> services such as carbon sequestration, biodiversity and water."
> Are both correct or is it important to distinguish between
> biodiversity serving as a function, and biodiversity as the provider
> of services.
> All comments are welcome on- or off the listserve.
> Cheers,
> Fabrice
> *****************************************************
> Fabrice De Clerck PhD
> Landscape Ecologist/Ecologo de Paisaje
>     Dept. Agricultura y Agroforesteria
>     CATIE 7170, Turrialba, Costa Rica
>   Phone: (506) 558-2596
>   Fax: (506) 558-2046
>   Web:
> Adjunct Associate
>     Tropical Agriculture Program
>     The Earth Institute at Columbia University
> Skype: fadeclerck
> *******************************************************
> "Everything not given is lost"

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