2 PhD Positions and 1 Postdoc Position in Ecohydrology

We are seeking motivated PhD candidates and a Postdoc to work within our
interdisciplinary team. The PhD positions (50% BAT IIa or TV-L equivalent)
are funded for 3 years and start 1st October 2007. The Postdoctoral position
(100% BAT IIa or TV-L equivalent) is funded for 2 years and start 1st March
2008 although there is some flexibility.
The work is part of the project "Linking spatial patterns of anecic
earthworm populations, preferential flow pathways and agrochemical transport
in rural catchments: an ecohydrological model approach" financed by the
German Science Foundation (DFG). The overall objective of the project is to
develop a coupled eco-hydrological model that allows predictions of
- the spatiotemporal distribution and population dynamics of anecic earthworms,
- the related pattern of connective preferential flow pathways, and
- the space-time pattern of infiltration and travel times distribution of

PhD Position 1 - Ecology
This project will cover field work and ecological modelling in two
experimental sites. It aims at explaining and predicting the spatiotemporal
patterns of anecic earthworms and their burrows depending on environmental
factors and population dynamics. Therefore, a multi-scale earthworm
distribution model as well as a stage-structured population dynamic model
will be constructed on the basis of extensive field studies in two
experimental sites.

PhD Position 2 - Hydrology
This project will cover field work and hydrological modelling in two
experimental sites. It will focus on a stochastic model for predicting
infiltration and the distribution of travel distance of tracers and
pesticides. Simulation of soil water dynamics and tracer transport will be
carried out with the 2D-hillslope module of CATFLOW.

Postdoctoral position - Ecohydrology
The coordinative and integrating work will focus on an the eco-hydrological
model that couples earthworm distribution and dynamics and the resulting
burrow distribution with water and solute infiltration, transport, and
sorption. This model will be used to simulate scenarios regarding management
practices, tillage regimes, and application of different agro-chemicals.

Applicants for the PhD positions must have an above-average Diploma or MSc
or equivalent in Natural Sciences and a strong background in modelling or
statistics, as well as field methods. Training in soil ecology or catchment
hydrology would be advantageous.

Applicants for the Postdoctoral position should have a PhD in Geoecology,
Ecology, Hydrology, Soil Science or related fields and combine strong
expertise in innovative field methods, data analysis and modelling
preferably both in ecology and hydrology.

Candidates should be team-players, fluent in English, and will be expected
to publish results in peer-reviewed international journals. The willingness
to do interdisciplinary research is a prerequisite for the applications. 

To apply, please send a cover letter describing your research interests, a
complete CV and names with email addresses and phone numbers of two referees
by email as a single pdf-file to the address below. Review will start on 6th
August and will continue until the position is filled. For informal
enquiries please contact Dr. Boris Schröder or Prof. Dr. Erwin Zehe.
Interviews are anticipated for the 24th August, 2007.

Dr. Boris Schröder | Prof. Dr. Erwin Zehe
Institute of Geoecology, University of Potsdam
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25, 14476 Potsdam
Tel. +49 (0)331 977-2480 (BS) | +49 (0)331 977-2675 (EZ)

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