Apologies for cross posting.

Final Call for Papers

Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes and Vegetation Biophysical

Special Paper Session for the 2008 Annual Meeting of the Association of
American Geographers (AAG), April 15-19, Boston, Massachusetts

The estimation of carbon fluxes between the terrestrial biosphere and the
atmosphere has important scientific and political implications. Remote
sensing has proven a valuable tool for directly or indirectly estimating
terrestrial carbon fluxes at landscape, regional, continental, and global
scales. Remote sensing is also effective in estimating vegetation
biophysical properties including vegetation biomass, leaf area index (LAI),
fractional vegetation cover, and phenology that are explicitly used for
estimating ecosystem carbon fluxes in empirical approaches or process-based
biogeochemistry models.

This session will focus on the use of remote sensing data and techniques for
estimating ecosystem carbon fluxes and vegetation biophysical properties at
various spatial and temporal scales. This session will include, but not
limited to, the following topics:

(1) Scaling-up site-level measurements on ecosystem carbon fluxes (e.g.,
eddy covariance measurements) to regional or continental scales using remote
sensing data;

(2) Quantifying ecosystem carbon fluxes at landscape, regional, or
continental scales using remote sensing data and techniques;

(3) Detecting land use/land cover change, disturbances (e.g., fires, and
insect defoliation), and extreme climate events (e.g., droughts) and
understanding their impacts on regional carbon budgets by combining remote
sensing and other techniques;

(4) Estimating vegetation biophysical properties including vegetation
biomass, LAI, fractional vegetation cover, and vegetation phenology at
landscape, regional, or continental scales using optical or microwave remote

We also encourage submissions simulating ecosystem carbon fluxes at regional
or continental scales using empirical or biogeochemistry models driven by
remote sensing data (e.g., vegetation indices, LAI, vegetation phenology).

Abstract submission details are available at the AAG website
(http://www.aag.org/annualmeetings/2008/papers.htm). If you are interested
in participating in this special session, please submit your abstract
through the online submission system by October 31, 2007. After you submit
you abstract, please send me an email containing: (1) Your name,
affiliation, presentation title, and abstract; (2) The “PIN” number assigned
to you by the online submission system.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions for the special
session or the abstract submission procedures.

Dr. Jingfeng Xiao
Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
Purdue University
CIVIL 550 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051
Tel: (765) 496-8678; Fax: (765) 496-1210

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