There are all kinds of types of deniers.
There are those who don't believe cc exists, some believe it is not
human-caused, some believe the main cause is population growth, some that
it is too expensive, some that they don't have time to do something, some
are scared of loosing scientific credibility,...anybody who denies that we
have a serious problem that each one of us has to help solve immediately
or we are going to face dramatic consequences is - to me - a denier in
various stages.
A short comment about the common argument that we cannot afford to do
Check out the Stern report for the effects on the effect of climate change
on the world's economy.
Basically, it would take about 1% of the gross domestic product of our
planet per year to develop and set up the technologies we already have.
That is a very small amount of money compared to the expenses for war on
the entire planet. This is a matter of priorities and will of politicians
and the citizens of the earth, not a matter of ability. That is one reason
why I think it is so essential to speak up.
Also, combating climate change will not put an end on economic growth, it
could very likely  increase it through development of new technologies.
Look at which car companies are making profit - not the American gas
guzzlers. And about renewable energies. It IS possible to have 100%
renewable energies in Germany, if every house had solar panels. Why
shouldn't every house have a solar panels? With government subsidies this
is absolutely in the realm of true possibilities. We just often lack the
imagination and energy to push for those things that are needed and

PS: Please check out these webpages to find a description, and how to deal
with them:

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