Coastal Footprints: Minimizing Human Impacts, Maximizing  Stewardship=20
The Coastal Society=E2=80=99s 21st International Conference  =20
June 29-July 2, 2008   =20
Redondo Beach, Los Angeles, California    =20

Abstract Deadline  Ends TODAY, November 6, 2007 =20

Today is the  final day to submit your abstract for the TCS 21 conference. =20
You may submit your abstract until 11 pm  PT.  Abstract submission is online=
only.  To review the Call For Papers  and descriptions of concurrent tracks,=
please visit the TCS 21 website at=20
(http://www.thecoastalsociety.org/conference/tcs21/index.html)  .  To submit=
 your abstract, please click on the =E2=80=9Cabstract submission=E2=80=9D=20
link  located in the navigation bar to your left on the TCS 21  website.=20
Abstract submissions may take the form of an individual  oral presentation,=20
poster, or as a 3-4 person panel session.  Submissions should provide case=20
studies  or offer innovative solutions to spark interactive discussion.  Pro=
for Panel Sessions are  encouraged to incorporate presentations from=20
different disciplines and regions  and to offer a diverse set of solutions a=
opportunity for richer  dialogue.   =20
In addition, TCS 21 has limited space to host full day  and half-day=20
workshops.  Abstract  submissions for workshops relevant to the seven confer=
tracks are  invited.    =20
For more information about The Coastal Society, visit=20
_http://www.thecoastalsociety.org_ (http://www.thecoastalsociety.org/) =20

Judy  Tucker
Executive Director
The Coastal Society
P.O. Box  3590
Williamsburg, VA 23187-3590=20
(757) 565-0999 =20
_www.thecoastalsociety.org_ (http://www.thecoastalsociety.org/)=20

The  Coastal Society is an organization of private sector, academic, and=20
government  professionals and students dedicated to actively addressing emer=
coastal  issues by fostering dialogue, forging partnerships, and promoting=20
communication  and education.=20

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