I am currently looking for a temporary full time lab assistant to carry o=
ut chemical analyses of floral=20
nectar and perform routine microscope work and data entry. Must be organi=
zed and dependable. Lab=20
experience preferred. Position is expected to continue for 2-3 months. Po=
sition is based at Blandy=20
Experimental Farm (The State Arboretum of Virginia) in Boyce, Virginia an=
d housing is available on=20
site. There is potential for the position to continue until May as a fiel=
d assistant in northern Mexico=20
collecting plant/pollinator data, but this is not a requirement of this p=

Contact T=92ai Roulston ([EMAIL PROTECTED], http://people.virginia.edu/~=
thr8z/HomePage.html) for=20
further information about the position and how to apply.

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