Postdoctoral Research Associate available in the biogeochemistry of
bioenergy crops. Dr. Mark David is seeking a postdoctoral research
associate to investigate the environmental impacts of bioenergy crop
production, focusing on nitrogen biogeochemistry. Large-scale bioenergy
crop trials are being initiated (Miscanthus, switchgrass, restored
prairie, and continuous corn) this spring in Illinois at part of the
Energy Biosciences Institute ( to
evaluate all environmental impacts of production. Research will include
all components of the nitrogen cycle, including leaching losses of
nitrate, gas emissions, and changes in soil storage pools. Collaborative
work with others on research team (Environmental Impact and
Sustainability of Feedstock Production) evaluating carbon and water
fluxes. Qualifications include a Ph.D. in biogeochemistry, ecology,
agronomy, or related field. Demonstrated research abilities in
biogeochemistry desired, including soil and water  measurement
techniques, stable isotopes, and trace gas measurements. An aptitude for
conducting independent research and publishing results. Start date:
spring 2008.=20


To apply, send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and the contact
information (names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses) of
three academic references to=20


Dr. Mark David, University of Illinois

Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Science

W-503 Turner Hall, 1102 S. Goodwin Av., Urbana, IL 61801.=20



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