---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 3:27 PM

Please read the following forwarded email about evolution education in


    From: "Barbara Forrest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Date: June 18, 2008 11:08:42 AM PDT
    Subject: Help needed immediately for Louisiana

    You all no doubt know what is happening down here. We have the point
    at which the only possible measure we have left is to raise an
    outcry from around the country that Gov. Jindal has to hear. He
    won't respond, but we have to at least make some noise. What is
    happening in Louisiana has national implications, much to the
    delight of the Discovery Institute.

    SB 733, the LA Science Education Act, has passed both houses of the
    legislature and the governor has indicated that he intends to sign
    it. But we don't have to be quiet about this. There is something
    that you and everyone else you know who wants to help can do:
    The LA Coalition for Science has posted a press release and an open
    letter to Jindal asking him to veto the bill. http://lasciencecoalition.org

    It is time for a groundswell of contacts to Jindal, and *this must
    be done immediately* since we don't know when he will sign the
    bill.  The vote in the legislature is veto-proof, so any request for
    Jindal to veto the bill *must stress that the governor can make this
    veto stick if he wants it to stick*.  Please contact everyone you
    know and ask them to contact the governor's office and ask him to
    veto the bill. If you have a blog, blog this.  If you have friendly
    contacts in your address book, please ask them to also contact the
    governor's office.

    The contact information is at the LCFS link above. We want people
    all over the country to do this, as many as possible.  Here are the
    talking points:

    Point 1:  The Louisiana law, SB 733, the LA Science Education Act,
    has national implications. So far, this legislation has  failed in
    every other state where it was proposed, except in Michigan, where
    it remains in committee. By passing SB 733, Louisiana has set a
    dangerous precedent that will benefit the Discovery Institute by
    helping them to advance their strategy to get intelligent design
    creationism into public schools.  Louisiana is only the beginning.
    Other states will now be encouraged to pass such legislation, and
    the Discovery Institute has already said that they will continue
    their push to get such legislation passed.

    Point 2:  Since Gov. Jindal's support for teaching ID clearly helped
    to get this bill passed in the first place, his decision to veto it
    will stick if he lets the legislature know that he wants it to stick.

    Point 3:  Simply allowing the bill to become law without his
    signature does not absolve the governor of the responsibility for
    protecting the public school science classes of Louisiana. He must
    veto the bill to show that he is serious about improving Louisiana
    by improving education.  Anything less than a veto means that the
    governor is giving a green light to creationists to undermine the
    education of Louisianachildren.

    I have given you the talking points here. You can pull additional
    ones from the LCFS press release and our online letter.

    Now let's get them out! Contact the governor. Then contact your
    friends, and ask them to contract the governor and to ask all of
    their friends to do the same. We need to create a huge network of e-
    mails asking people to do this. Where they live does not matter at
    this point. What is happening in Louisianahas implications for
    everyone in the nation.


    Michael Zimmerman
    Office of the Dean
    College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
    Butler University
    Indianapolis, IN  46208

    Tel:  317.940.9224
    Fax:  317.940.8815


Dr. Daniel I. Bolnick
Assistant Professor
Section of Integrative Biology
One University Station C0930
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712

fax 512-471-3878

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