Hello All, 
The Soil Ecology Society is an international organization of researchers, 
students, environmental professionals and others interested in the 
advancement and promotion of soil biology and ecology. The SES holds a 
biennial conference which addresses contemporary issues in the field of 
soil ecology, and which provides a forum for ecologists, soil scientists, 
and members of related disciplines, to present original research results, 
participate in meeting symposia and workshops, and identify priorities for 
future research. We are currently working on updating our membership 
focusing  first on collating more up to date contact list of those that 
would  like to know what the Soil Ecology Society is doing and developing 
a  more comprehensive understanding of the needs of our members.  If you  
are interested in information on membership, updating your contact  
information, getting information on our very exciting upcoming meeting  
with the Society of Nematologists in an amazing setting at the University 
of Vermont, Burlington Vermont July 12-15, 2009 
(http://www.uvm.edu/conferences/sonsesconference/) or just interested  in 
receiving information on our events, please send your contact information 
to sjmor...@bradley.edu.  You will then receive a link to a member needs 
survey within the next couple of weeks. Thanks for your interest. 

SES web address: http://www.wcsu.ctstateu.edu/ses/ses.html 

Soil Ecology Society Board 

January 2008-2010 
President: Sherri Morris, Associate Professor Bradley University Peoria IL 
Immediate Past-President: Jayne Belnap, USGS Moab, UT
President Elect: John Klironomos, Professor and Canada Research Chair in 
Soil Ecology University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario, Canada 
Secretary- Newsletter Editor: Rachel Thiet, Core Faculty in Conservation 
Biology, Environmental Studies Department, Antioch University New England 
Treasurer: Jeffrey (Jeff) L. Smith Soil Biochemist USDA-ARS Washington 
State University Pullman, WA 
Members At Large: 
Tony Trofymow, Canadian Forest Service Natural Resources Canada and 
Adjunct Associate Professor Dept. Biology University of Victoria 
John Dighton, Rutgers Pinelands Field Station, Rutgers University 
Mac A. Callaham, Jr., Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service, Southern 
Research Station, Athens, GA  30602
Webmaster: Stephen "Mitch" Wagener Associate Professor of Biology Western 
Connecticut State University Danbury, CT 06810 

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