Have you tried Populus?

~David Howe
Rutgers University
Lecturer, Department of Ecology, Evolution, & Natural Resources
Educational Technologist, Program in Science Learning

----- Original Message ----
From: Schlosser Jacqueline (seal) <s...@zhaw.ch>
Sent: Thursday, February 5, 2009 10:56:23 AM
Subject: [ECOLOG-L] Freeware for undergrad ecology course?

Dear Ecologger

I'm looking for a free and easy to use software to use in my ecology course. 
For one lab exercice, my students have to fill in cohort tables (survivorship, 
mortality, fecundity etc.) to draw different survivorship curves. To make this 
exercice more interesting and applied, I'd like to find a program that would 
allow the students to enter this data and get a graph back, that shows them the 
popultation increas/decrease over the next 100-200 years. With this program 
they could play with the data and see what implications different management 
decisions (ie protecting early life stage vs. late life stages) would have for 
this population. 

Does anyone know of such a free/shareware? I appreciate your help.

Jacqueline Schlosser, Ph.D.
ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences 
Institut of Natural Resource Sciences
Grüental, Postfach 335
CH-8820 Wädenswil

Telefon +41 (0)58 934 5792
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