Graduate assistantships, at the master's or doctoral level, are available in 
the Department of Ecology 
and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Kansas in the field of 
theoretical ecosystem ecology.  
The Ballantyne lab is seeking students interested in modeling ecosystem 
stoichiometry, community 
dynamics, or population processes.  Two or five years of support are available, 
for a master's or a 
PhD respectively.  Additional funds are available to support research and 
travel costs.  Opportunities 
also exist for complementary microcosm and/or field-based experiments, either 
in the lab or at the 
University of Kansas field station 20 minutes from campus.  

Start date will either be fall 2009 or spring 2010.

For more information, please contact

Ford Ballantyne
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
The University of Kansas
Phone: (785) 864-1868
Fax: (785) 864-1534

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