The Southeast Fisheries Science Center, in conjunction with the National
Academies Research Associateship Program, is offering a postdoctoral
research opportunity to assess the status of estuaries and coastal habitats
for fish populations in the United States.  The Southeast Fisheries Science
Center Laboratory in Galveston has conducted extensive research on habitat
associations of juvenile fishery species in Gulf coast estuaries and is
actively working on measuring habitat-related growth and mortality for
selected species.  Our current goal is to develop mathematical models to
link habitat characteristics with fishery productivity, and this position
requires an ecosystem modeler to advance our understanding of habitat and
fishery connections.  This research will be part of a coordinated
multiregional assessment of estuaries and coastal habitats of the United
States in support of the National Fish Habitat Action plan (NFHAP).  This
particular research opportunity will cover the northwestern Gulf of Mexico,
and the associate is expected to advance NFHAP objectives by  1) integrating
NOAA FisheriesÂ’ habitat classification system, land use/land cover data,
hydrologic data, and water quality assessments to develop indicators of
habitat condition and 2) testing the utility of these indicators with data
on the abundance of well-studied taxa as well as historical and current
species compositions.  The NFHAP goal is to use this approach to prioritize
management actions (e.g., protection, restoration) for each region.

This position will be for one year with possibility of extension for an
additional year.  Applicants should have a broad knowledge of fish-habitat
relationships and estuarine and marine ecology.  Application details can be
found at   Research opportunity
number is 26.03.05.B7134.  The deadline for the first round of review is May
1.  If interested, please contact

Tom Minello
Southeast Fisheries Science Center, Galveston TX
(409) 766-3506 

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