We are pleased and honored to announce the upcoming *350 Climate
 *to be held at Columbia University in the city of New York on Saturday May
2nd. The conference will feature* *keynote speaker* Dr. James Hansen*,
director of NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

Determining the safe upper limit for atmospheric carbon dioxide is likely to
be one of the most significant research questions of the 21st century.  Dr.
Hansen has made the case that this number is likely to be 350 parts per
million (ppm) of CO2 or lower.  Unfortunately, at present we find ourselves
at 387 ppm and climbing. This conference will discuss the scientific,
political, social and economic challenges and opportunities associated with
reducing CO2 and mitigating climate change.

Other speakers include *Majora Carter*, founder of Sustainable South Bronx,
*Dr. Johannes Lehmann*, leading researcher on biochar carbon sequestration
from Cornell University, *Dr. Daniel Hillel*, international authority on
soils, hydrology, and sustainable agriculture from the Center for Climate
Systems Research, *Michael Gerrard, JD*, director of the newly founded
Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University and *Professor Richard
Heinberg*, author and lecturer on energy policy and solutions to climate

Please visit our website at  www.350conference.org for further information
on additional speakers or to register <http://www.350conference.org/>.
 Seating is limited so please register soon!

*REGISTER NOW* <http://350conference.eventbrite.com/>

May 2nd, 2009 | Columbia University

Telephone: (740) 258-8450

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