Graduate assistantship is available to a highly motivated student to work on
a NSF or USDA funded project. Projects focus on method development for
spatiotemporal analysis of large ecological inventory databases. Candidates
must have a desire to pursue an emphasis in environmental data modeling,
statistical computing, and demonstrate competency in computer programming
(e.g., R, C/C++, or Fortran).

Compensation package includes: 
        -RA funding available for 2 years, starting Fall 2009 semester
        -Enrollment through the Department of Forestry or Geography
        -Possible specialization in Statistics and Probability

If you are interested please provide:
        -Statement of interest and career goals
        -GRE scores
        -Undergraduate and graduate transcripts
        -Curriculum vita

Andrew Finley
Natural Resources Building
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1222
Phone: 517-432-7219

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