Microbes to Metazoans: Regulation, Dynamics, and Evolution of Social Behavior


Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
December 2-4, 2009

Microbes to Metazoans is a 2 1/2 day-long workshop designed to facilitate
discussion and collaboration on the study of social
behavior.  A select group of scientists will discuss and develop new
experimental, theoretical, and computational tools to bridge
multiple disciplines in the study of group tasks orchestrated by organisms
from microbes to metazoans. Topical sessions motivated
by a set of fundamental biological questions will be integrated with
quantitative modeling and engineering talks. Applications for
participation are now being accepted.  There is no cost to attend, but space
is limited. Information on workshop and application
for participation can be found at:

Apply online at: www.socialbehavior.biology.gatech.edu

Application deadline: September 25, 2009

Questions, email to:  socialbehavior2...@biology.gatech.edu

Confirmed speakers include:
Tim Cooper (Houston)
Iain Couzin (Princeton)
Alan Decho (South Carolina)
Kevin Foster (Harvard)
Kent Hill (UCLA)
Vanja Klepac-Ceraj (Harvard)
Elizabeth Ostrowski (Rice)
Philip Rather (Emory)
Kern Reeve (Cornell)
Vanessa Sperandio (Texas-SW)
Michael Strand (Georgia)
Gregory Velicer (Indiana)
Marvin Whiteley (Texas-Austin)
Frans de Waal (Emory)

Scientific organizers:
Brian Hammer (Georgia Tech)
Joshua Weitz (Georgia Tech)
Michael Goodisman (Georgia Tech)

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