Research Technician, plant-herbivore interactions

Full-time one year research technician position in the Ecology and Evolution group at Florida State University to assist with greenhouse, lab, and field experiments studying plant-herbivore interactions. The technician will assist with a project characterizing density effects in plant-herbivore interactions for use in plant population models. Position to begin May or June 2010 (start date somewhat flexible). Technicians in our lab are encouraged to participate actively in the intellectual life of the EE group by attending reading groups or seminars. Salary $20-22K, commensurate with experience, and including benefits. Review of applications starts February 22 and will continue until the position is filled.

The full position description, with instructions for applying, can be found at:

Dr. Nora Underwood
Department of Biological Science
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1100
(850) 644 4167

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