Ecological Restoration Firm in the Chicago Region requesting quotes for 
Water Quality Testing and Reporting for a municiple project out for bid. 
Requirements include:

1.) Test water quality parameters six times per year (once a month from 
April through September) using standard sampling methods and lab analysis:
-Include dissolved oxygen profile, depth, pH profile, secchi depth, 
temperature profile, alkalinity, conductivity, IEPA color, suspended 
sediment, algae, weeds, and odor as the field parameters to be tested at 
the four in-lake sites.
-Include chemical and biological parameters to be tested from three of the 
four in-lake sites include BOD, COD, chloride, nitrogen, ammonia, nitrogen 
nitrate/nitrite, nitrogen kjeldahl, orthophosphorus, phosphorus total, 
total suspended volatile solids, total dissolved solids, total volatile 
solids, chlorophylla, fecal coliforms, phytoplankton, and zooplankton

2.) Conduct field testing at the navy ditch outlet to include two 
temperature and dissolved oxygen readings at the grate and temperature, 
dissolved oxygen, pH, and conductivity 100 ft. downstream.

3.) Provide monthly written reports to include the data obtained and 
detailed interpretation of the results and their implications for lake 
management. Include in water quality reports observations of the progress 
of erosion control measures and any incipient erosion problem spots. Includ 
photos and discussion. Submit six monthly water quality reports to include 
the data obtained and detailed interpretation of the results and their 
implications for lake management. Include erosion observations, photos, and 
discussion/interpretations. Submit a detailed annual water quality report, 
interpretationand recommendations for lake water quality, shoreline 
management, and fishery management.

Interested parties please contact Andy at 815-495-2300x107 or at

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