Extinction Debt and Ecosystem Change: We seek a post-doctoral research 
associate, for a three-year position, in the Department of Ecology and 
Evolutionary Biology, Brown University for participation in a collaborative 
project between Dov Sax (Brown University) and Steve Jackson (University of 
Wyoming). This project will investigate the dynamics of species extinction at 
local scales, paying particular attention to lag times in species extinction, 
extinction debt and predictability of extinction across taxa. The project will 
be conducted in wetland ecosystems of the Indiana Dunes. The primary method of 
investigation will be analysis of plant macrofossils and pollen in sediment 
cores, but the project will also include a resurvey of extant vegetation, and a 
taphonomic examination of plant macrofossil and pollen deposition. The project 
has key defined goals, but there is substantial room for independent and 
collaborative exploration of related topics in community ecology, paleoec!
 ology, and conservation biology. Candidates should have a Ph.D. with research 
experience in either ecology or paleoecology; botanical experience is desirable 
but not mandatory. The project will require extensive field work in the summer 
and some travel to the University of Wyoming. Starting salary will be $40,000 
with full benefits. Please send a CV, a brief statement of research interests, 
and the names and contact information for three references to Dov Sax, 
dov....@gmail.com. Review of applicants will begin on March 1 and will continue 
until the post is filled. We would like the postdoc to begin the position on or 
before May 15, 2010.


PDF of paper in press on Extinction Debt by Jackson and Sax:



Project summary of the grant proposal that is funding the postdoctoral position:

The time-course and dynamics of species extinctions at local spatial scales are 
poorly understood relative to the intrinsic interest of this topic. The reason 
for this disparity is simple – there are relatively few data sets available 
that reveal patterns of species extinction at local spatial scales over 
time-courses of decades to centuries. “Long-term” ecological data typically 
span periods of 20-40 years. While such data sets are invaluable, extinction 
dynamics may require longer runs of time to play out. Here we propose to remedy 
this shortcoming by adapting paleoecological techniques to address contemporary 
extinction dynamics in pond communities. We will conduct a detailed study of 
extinction dynamics following major human-induced disturbances of the mid-late 
19th Century by examining plant macrofossils and pollen in well-dated sediment 
cores. Plant macrofossils (seeds, fruits, and vegetative material) are produced 
by most aquatic and wetland species, do not travel far!
  from source plants, and can be identified to species. Thus, they can provide 
detailed records of changes in local populations, including invasion and 

            Our study will concentrate on the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, 
where numerous well-studied ponds are available. Previous plant-macrofossil 
work conducted at this site has shown good preservation of plant fossils over 
the past several thousand years. This work also shows that many abundant 
species underwent local extinction following onset of human disturbance 
approximately 150 years ago. By collecting more than 100 sediment cores across 
a landscape of ponds, we will be able to study the fine-scale dynamics of 
species extinctions over the past 300 years. Because of the high sedimentation 
rates at the study sites, we will be able to resolve changes in relative 
abundance and composition of these species in approximately 15-year increments 
from 300-150 years ago and in 5-year increments from 150 years ago to the 
present (when sedimentation rates were higher). We will complement the 
macrofossil findings with more ‘traditional’ long-term data, by conducting a 
 ear resurvey of the vegetation in these ponds. We will also advance the study 
of taphonomy by relating extant vegetation to the deposition of plant pollen, 
seeds and fruits.

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