A Master’s graduate research assistantship is available in Dr. Kevina
Vulinec’s lab at Delaware State University, Department of Agriculture &
Natural Resources. The project involves bat activity and conservation on
regional golf courses and is funded through the National Fish and Wildlife
Foundation and DSU. This is a two-year position starting May 2010.

Candidate must have a bachelor’s degree in biology, wildlife, or a natural
resource field, must be able to work both independently and as part of a
team, be able to work long hours in uncomfortable field conditions, and have
a high tolerance for biting insects. Preference will be given to applicants
with prior bat handling, mist netting, and ultrasonic detector
experience.  Knowledge
of golf will be helpful. The rabies pre-exposure series is required for
work.  Housing will not be provided, but referrals to other graduate
students living near campus are available. Graduate students will need their
own vehicle.

Please send electronically your cv, including GPA and GRE scores, unofficial
transcripts, statement of research interests and experience, and names and
contact information for three references, AS ONE PDF FILE, to the email
below. Once a candidate is chosen he or she will have to apply formally to
the Natural Resource Graduate Program at DSU.

Deadline for application is 1 March 2010.

Contact: Dr. Kevina Vulinec (kvuli...@desu.edu)

Webpage: http://cars.desu.edu/faculty/kvulinec/

Kevina Vulinec, PhD, Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources,
Delaware State University, Dover, Delaware 19901-2277, (302) 857-6457 Fax:
(302) 857-6455, kvuli...@desu.edu

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