Dear Colleagues,

The University of Georgia's Interdisciplinary Field Program ( is an open-air, 8-week experience
starting from Sapelo Island, Georgia, and traveling throughout the Western
US.  The program integrates ecology, geology, and anthropology in the
field.  I am looking for someone to help me co-instruct the general ecology
portion of this program from June 6 - July 5, 2010 (see link to roadlog
below).  If you or any of your colleagues are interested please contact me
as soon as possible.

Thank you,

John Kominoski

John Stephen Kominoski
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Department of Forest Sciences
University of British Columbia
3041 - 2424 Main Mall,
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada

Phone: +1 604.822.8297
Fax: +1 604.822.9102

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