One or more postdoctoral positions for 2-3 years are available immediately 
for work on the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum, a unique and 
exciting model organism for social evolution.  D. discoideum has 
cooperation, conflict, and complete reproductive altruism in its social 
stage. It also has a short generation time, sequenced genomes, a library 
of identified cheater knockouts, and it can be easily studied in the 
laboratory and the field. Projects include testing whether social conflict 
leads to rapid evolution and arms races, determining how cheating is 
controlled, kin recognition, and relating laboratory findings to social 
evolution in the wild.  Experimental evolution projects can also be done 
on social function.  We are a friendly and interactive team of highly 
motivated investigators.  We are seeking an energetic postdoc with a 
strong background in evolutionary biology, social behavior, microbial 
evolution, or molecular biology with an interest in working at the 
interface of these disciplines.  Check out our website, for more information on our research.  If you are 
interested, please send an email to David Queller ( or 
Joan Strassmann ( with a CV, statement of research 
interests, and the names, phone numbers and email addresses of three 
references.  Women and minorities are particularly encouraged to apply.  
We will begin reviewing applications immediately and will continue to do 
so until the position is filled which we hope to happen by 20 May 2010. 
The entire lab group will move to Washington University in St. Louis in 
June 2011 where we will join a very dynamic biology department in newly 
renovated space. David C. Queller, Joan E. Strassmann, Department of 
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, MS 170, Rice University, 6100 Main St. 
Houston TX 77005-1892.

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