I teach evolution to non-majors and agree with the Tangled Bank suggestion. As a supplement I suggest The Evolution Dialogues printed by the AAAS. The later is particularly useful for students who have the perception that evolution conflicts with religion.

Madhusudan Katti wrote:
I'd look at "The Tangled Bank: An Introduction to Evolution" by Carl Zimmer. Here's the Amazon page for the book: http://amzn.to/acUSiw.

On 5/10/10 7:01 AM, jbowen wrote:
Hi All:
In the fall I am going to be teaching an Evolutionary Biology course for
students in the social sciences and humanities. No prior coursework in the
natural sciences is required.  I am curious if the list might have
recommendations for a textbook that is appropriate for this audience.
Thanks in advance for your input.

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