Wayne Tyson wrote:

> What's the irrigation efficiency component of those statistics? Are
> there any actual experimental data that compare strains under 
> laboratory controls? I'm talking strictly about actual water consumption
> per unit biomass or seed volume/weight, not field observations loaded
> with variables and open to manipulation. But beyond that, upon what
> theoretical foundation is the assertion that GMO alone performs these 
> miracles, without any change in water and nutrients?

Wayne, the biotech companies have not claimed GMO alone will double 
yields in 30 years while at the same time consuming fewer resources 
(water, fertilizer, fossil fuel, land) and producing less carbon dioxide.

Monsanto explains the doubling of yields of corn, soybeans, cotton 
and canola in 30 years can reasonably be accomplished via using a 
combination of advanced Plant Breeding, Biotechnology and Agronomic 

The American Soybean Association gets into some specifics in it's
brochure on "Ten Reasons US Soybeans Are Sustainable"

Examples from the brochure: 

a) Herbicide tolerant [GMO] soybeans enable farmers to practice
no-till production.
b) The no-till production method enables farms to reduce deep plowing
and multiple soil cultivation operations with heavy equipment.
c) The reduction in deep plowing reduces the loss of soil and moisture.
d) No-till allows the residue from the previous crop to be left in the
field which eventually degrades and thus increases the amount of 
topsoil in the fields.
e) Narrow row planting enables soybeans to grow so closely together
they crowd out competing weeds and reduce soil moisture loss.
f) Reduced need for heavy soil cultivation equipment reduces fossil
fuel use and emissions and reduces soil compaction which in turn 
is good for earthworm populations, soil moisture retention and 
reduced water runoff into waterways.

Paul Cherubini
El Dorado, Calif.

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