As soon as I return from the Bering Sea (I'm blogging for Nature on this
oceanographic project - project I'm taking a
road trip from TX to the FL panhandle (or maybe just AL depending on timing)
to document effects of the oil spill. 

I am wondering if anyone on this list is willing to meet with myself and
another environmental reporter to show us places that you may have access
to, that you want to show the press and ultimately the public, little-known
stories, or particularly wildlife impacts. I'm personally interested in
stories on the greater marine ecosystem - all the stuff that nobody will
ever see under the ocean. so anyone who knows how to get out there diving,
or on a boat please let me know. I've heard that BP has sort of commandeered
all the research vessels and prevented many from going out in the guise of
trying to make sure they're "Available" in case they're needed. I would love
to get out in the Gulf any way possible. It will be around the last week in
July so please email me if you have any contacts, suggestions, or can meet
with us personally even if it's just a stroll on the beach to talk about
your own research. I'm reporting for several markets and so is my colleague.


My adventures in the Bering Sea ~  or a tally:     
     Wendee Holtcamp, M.S. Wildlife Ecology ~ @bohemianone
    Freelance Writer * Photographer * Bohemian
~~ 6-wk Online Writing Course Starts July 24 (signup by Jun 17) ~~
I'm Animal Planet's news blogger - 

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