The Department of Biological Sciences at Old Dominion University invites 
applications for a tenure-track position in community or landscape ecology at 
the assistant or associate professor level.  Applicants must have expertise in 
vertebrate ecology (specializing in mammals or birds) and utilize quantitative, 
molecular, or GIS skills in their research. Candidates for associate professor 
must have a strong research program with publications and current peer-reviewed 
extramural funding and demonstrate a strong teaching record. Candidates at the 
assistant professor level must demonstrate strong potential for building 
independent research programs and performing quality teaching. Minimum 
requirements include a Ph.D. in ecology or related fields and excellent 
communication skills. Postdoctoral experience is preferred. The Department 
offers competitive salaries and start-up packages and receives substantial 
support from state funds and from research grants from federal and other 
agencies.  The Department has strong graduate programs which currently have 
over 100 students, including a Ph.D. program in ecological sciences and a Ph.D. 
program in biomedical sciences.  To apply, submit a curriculum vitae, statement 
of research and teaching interests, and the names, telephone numbers, and 
addresses (postal and email) of three references.  Send applications 
electronically to Ecology Search Committee at<>.  Review of applicants will begin November 
15, 2010 and continue until the position is filled.

Located in Norfolk, Virginia, Old Dominion University 
(<>) is a state supported, research intensive 
institution enrolling more than 24,000 students, of which 6,000 are graduate 
students.  Norfolk is a culturally rich, historic city and a major 
international maritime center in a metropolitan area of over 1.5 million 
people. Within the area there are numerous cultural activities including a 
symphony orchestra, an opera company and a ballet company as well as numerous 
museums. Norfolk is one of the seven cities comprising Hampton Roads, located 
on the Chesapeake Bay. Old Dominion University is an equal opportunity, 
affirmative action institution.

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