PhD opportunity – Snowshoe hare predation risk assessment

Snowshoe hares have been studied for 30+ years in our southwestern Yukon 
study site.  A recent study by Sherriff et al. (J. Anim. Ecol. 78:1249-
1258) found that a predator-induced increase in baseline stress levels 
affected the reproductive rates of hares, with highly-stressed females 
producing fewer litters of young and generally smaller and less robust 
leverets.  These findings imply that predators may have important sublethal 
effects on snowshoe hares, which could translate to predators having an 
even more important role than previously thought on the snowshoe hare 
population cycle.  In collaboration with Dr. Stan Boutin (University of 
Alberta) and Dr. Rudy Boonstra (University of Toronto), the PhD project 
will build on the previous study and assess whether sublethal effects of 
predators have demonstrable effects on hare behaviour and survival.  Using 
a variety of methods, we will monitor relationships between hare activity 
patterns, habitat selection, energy expenditure, and survival rates, 
relative to baseline stress levels.  We predict that individual variability 
in stress levels will reflect local predation risk, and thereby be manifest 
in risk-sensitive behaviour among putative high-risk individuals.  The 
intent is to follow up the observational study with experimental 
manipulation of perceived risk to induce further changes in free-ranging 
hares.  Finally, the study will involve modeling tradeoffs between energy 
acquisition versus predation risk avoidance, and possibly include modeling 
the potential sublethal effects of predators on hare population cycles. 

Application Procedures

Applicants should hold an MSc in ecology or a related area as well as good 
field and quantitative skills. The successful applicant also will require 
demonstrated publishing success.  

Candidates should submit a letter of application, curriculum vita, and 
names and contact information for three references to: Dr. Dennis Murray, 
Department of Biology, Trent University, 1600 West Bank Drive, 
Peterborough, ON Canada K9J 7B8 (email: dennismurray β€œat”, web 
page: Applications will be reviewed 
immediately and the position will close as soon as a suitable candidate is 
found.  The successful applicant will receive a full graduate stipend 
including waiver of any foreign tuition fees.  

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