Scent is one of the standard examples of an important variable which is extremely difficult to quantify but which is well adapted to fuzzy classification. Although there have been many attempts to "measure" scent, I have not seen anything that succeeded.

Smells are very complex and each molecule is unique. The mind can interpret these smells, but are there any computer programs that can tell pheromones apart?

Bill Silvert

----- Original Message ----- From: "R K" <>
Sent: quinta-feira, 2 de Dezembro de 2010 17:32
Subject: [ECOLOG-L] quantifying scent

Would someone be
able to recommend a survey paper on olfactory sensitivity in different mammals? I'm
interested in the differences in sensitivity across taxa--whether
certain species are more focused on certain elements of the olfactory

I realize this is something of a naive question,
but I know very little about the scent landscape and how mammals live
in it, so any guidance whatsoever would be most appreciated. Thanks
much to all.

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