The method described by?Rowcliffe, J.M., Field, J., Turvey, S.T., Carbone, C., 
2008. Estimating animal density using camera traps without the need for 
individual recognition. Journal of Applied Ecology 45, 1228-1236.
 allows for population estimation without IDing individuals.? We are using it 
for fox & cat density estimates and, thus far, it is yielding believable 

Dr Matt Hayward 
Regional Ecologist, Australian Wildlife Conservancy
PO Box 432, Nichol's Point, Victoria 3501

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Eduardo de Barros <>
Sent: Fri, Feb 25, 2011 1:46 am
Subject: Re: [ECOLOG-L] Using game cameras to estimate population densities of 
small mammals

Dear Greta, 
 You need be able to identify individuals. With large mammals, usually with 
cats,  this is generally based on strips or dots fur patterns. In general 
two cameras are used to get pictures from both sides of an individual. Since 
with small mammalls fur patterns may be homogeneus I believe that you 
would have to catch them at least once and come up with some visible marker 
which could rest for all the study period. 
Since you would need investments on traps anyway I am not sure if it would 
be an advantage to invest on cameras as well, rather than run a traditional 
recapture with traps. But if funds are available the use of cameras could be 
possible.  I would borrow some and run a trial experiment first if possible. 
   All the best, 
2011/2/23 Greta Gramig <> 
> Hello Dear Friends, 
> I've been conducting some studies regarding post-dispersal seed predation 
> in 
> agricultural systems. I've used game cameras set up at my experimental 
> feeding arenas to capture images of the animals that visit these arenas. 
> far, my interest has mainly been in documenting what kinds of animals are 
> feeding on the seeds. 
> I'd like to use this technology in a study that will look at trophic 
> perturbations caused by large seed subsidies in natural systems. In this 
> instance, I'd probably want to assess the population density of various 
> species of animals that consume seeds. 
> I've read papers where "camera traps" were used to collect data for mark 
> and 
> recapture estimates of population density for large mammals. But I can't 
> quite see how I would use this method for small mammmals. Does anyone out 
> there have any experience with this sort of thing? 
> Many thanks, 
> Greta Gramig 

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