I'm surprised that someone more knowledgeable than I hasn't already
responded to this post.  I'm in the midst of reading Angela Douglas's _The
Symbiotic Habit_ http://amzn.to/gIhu9L though off the top of my head, I
think it might be a bit heavy going for a senior-level course .


On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 7:42 AM, David Inouye <ino...@umd.edu> wrote:

> Next fall I am going to start up a senior-level course in symbiosis, which
> I will mostly teach from my skewed perspective as a biochemist, but which I
> realize has very patchy coverage in that regard.  I will probably hand out
> papers to the students from the original literature, but I was hoping that
> there might be a book or two that would be helpful - although a fast look
> did not find much.  So, if any of the folks on your listserv has a favorite
> they'd like to point me to, I'd appreciate it.
> Many thanks
> Skip
> _________________________________
> Sidney K. Pierce, Ph. D.
> Emeritus Professor of Biology, University of Maryland
> And
> Professor of Biology
> Department of Biology
> University of South Florida
> 4202 E. Fowler Ave., SCA 110
> Tampa, FL 33620
> email: pie...@usf.edu
> Phone: office <%28813%29%20974-4494>(813) 974-4494
>       Lab <%28813%29%20974-8159>(813) 974-8159
> Web- http://biology.usf.edu/ib/faculty/spierce/

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