This is a special invitation to join Pacific Biodiversity Institute on an
expedition to explore the tremendous biodiversity and beautiful landscapes
of some of the biggest wildland areas left on Earth.  Pacific Biodiversity
Institute is engaged in a project to map, explore, document and work with
conservation partners on protection measures for the vast remaining
wildlands of South America.  You can read more about  this project by
following this link (and other links on that page):
We have 4 expeditions during February and March this year.  You are invited
to participate as a volunteer in any or all of them.  Space is limited and
participants will be carefully selected.  I guarantee that you will have the
time of your life  -  and you will have a chance to make a big contribution
to the protection of some of the most important wildland and biodiversity
resources left on the planet.  The conservation opportunities contained in
these wildlands are incredible.  Here, we still have the chance of
protecting unfragmented wildlands that are millions of acres in size.  And
participation in these expeditions is a chance to experience these areas in
an intimate way.  These are the "map's void spaces" - the white places on
the map that are off the radar screen of the tourist guides, the ecotourism
trips, etc.  The areas that we will be exploring are some of the most
magnificent places in South America, yet few people know about them.  That's
why they are still intact.  Yet the race is on - the mining companies, road
builders, loggers, and other developers are rushing to explore and exploit
these areas too.  But you have a chance to see them before they are
destroyed. And you have a chance to help with the first step of protecting
them for future generations to enjoy.  
You can read more about this opportunity by checking out the first news item
on the Pacific Biodiversity website:  <> and following the link to a detailed
description of the first expedition, which runs from February 1-15.   Three
other expeditions are planned for the last part of February and March.   If
you can not participate in on any of these, but are interested in future
expeditions, let me know and we will tell you about other opportunities in
the future.
Thank you for all you do to help conserve the rich natural heritage that we
all enjoy.
Peter Morrison
Executive Director
Pacific Biodiversity Institute
PO Box 298
Winthrop, WA 98862 <> 

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