Antioch Education Abroad's Brazilian Ecosystems Program is a 16-credit fall
semester for undergraduate students. Now accepting applications!

Please encourage your students to participate in this vital field
experience. It is an outstanding opportunity for direct field experience
with the ecology of Brazil's biodiversity, and with real world conservation
problem solving.

The program travels to the Atlantic Forest, Cerrado Savanna, Amazon
Rainforest, and Pantanal Wetland, across four different states: Paraná,
Goiás, Amazonas, and Mato Grosso.

Students return to campus inspired and energized about continuing their
education towards more realistically defined career goals.

Program dates: 30 August - 29 November.

Please invite your students to learn more about this program by directing
them to

Suzanne Kolb, Ph.D. Ecology
Associate Professor of Environmental Science
Director, Brazilian Ecosystems Program

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