I sent this to Simone directly, but maybe the rest of the list will also appreciate this information.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [ECOLOG-L] Backpacking with an infant?
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2012 10:56:55 +0800
From: Cara Lin Bridgman <cara....@msa.hinet.net>
To: Simone S. Whitecloud <simone.s.whitecl...@dartmouth.edu>


There is a yahoo group for backpacking with kids.  You might also want
to check out these yahoo groups: backpackinglight and womenhikers.  I'm
a regular at these and can guarantee they'll be helpful and opinionated:).


Cara Lin Bridgman         cara....@msa.hinet.net
P.O. Box 013 Shinjhuang   http://megaview.com.tw/~caralin
Longjing District         http://www.BugDorm.com
Taichung 43499
Taiwan                    Phone: 886-4-2632-5484

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