
This was a post to a public forum on which the poster has requested
advice on what equipment she/he should consider for his/her infant.
Is this a female?  I know men and women with this first name so I am
not sure.  But, apparently some of you either know or have concluded

Anyone who has ever done anything in decision making knows that among
the alternatives available is the "no action" choice.  Before you
decide what equipment to use, you need to evaluate whether it is the
best option based on your available alternatives, again one of which
is to not bring the child.

As for this turning into some kind of a male-female debate, the issue
has no berring on sexual identity.
Men and women do bring their kids into the field, we have established
that in this thread.  Both men and
women are capable of finding a short-term or longterm baby sitter or
relative.  I just discussed this with one of the medical researchers
on my floor and his advice regarding what equipment was....don't bring
the child in that environment.  Some have stated that infants are more
robust than we think.  3 mo olds do not have lax thermoregulation and

Also, I'm a parent too.  I am also the oldest of 7 children whom I
helped raise.  I've seen more different ways that a kid can get
injured or sick than you can shake a stick at.

Wild animals, harsh weather conditions, disease vectors, and alpine
slopes are bad bedfellows for a person with a n infant strapped to
their back.  If you MUST do it, you she/he has done the right thing by
asking for advice here.  However, evaluate VERY carefully whether this
is your need or a desire.

Would you bring an infant into a metal plant?  A chemical factory?  A
hog barn?  The habitats in a zoo?  How about a sewage plant?  How
about the walk in freezer of a restaurant?

Again, if you have no choice, be as careful as you can be.  But do not
discount the risk involved because if something does happen, you will
live a life of regret.

On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 12:40 PM, Lis Castillo Nelis <lne...@stanford.edu> wrote:
> What I don’t understand about this thread is why people are so comfortable 
> giving unsolicited advice on someone else’s life decisions.  Simone didn’t 
> ask for advice on whether or not to take her child to the field with her, she 
> asked for tools to do so well.  She has doubtless assessed the risks and 
> benefits already or she wouldn't have asked for additional tools.
> Simone and other scientists with children are mature adults capable of making 
> their own decisions about balancing family with research.  We should let them 
> get on with it without comments that make them feel unwelcome in our ranks.  
> Lack of family friendliness is one of the reasons for female attrition from 
> science, lets not add to it here.
> Good luck Simone!
> Lis
> Lisa Castillo Nelis
> NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
> Stanford University
> Gordon Laboratory
> Department of Biology
> Gilbert Building, Room 109
> 371 Serra Mall
> Stanford, CA 94305-5020
> Phone: 650-725-6791
> Email: lne...@stanford.edu
> Home page: http://www.stanford.edu/~lnelis/

Malcolm L. McCallum
Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
School of Biological Sciences
University of Missouri at Kansas City

Managing Editor,
Herpetological Conservation and Biology

"Peer pressure is designed to contain anyone with a sense of drive" -
Allan Nation

1880's: "There's lots of good fish in the sea"  W.S. Gilbert
1990's:  Many fish stocks depleted due to overfishing, habitat loss,
            and pollution.
2000:  Marine reserves, ecosystem restoration, and pollution reduction
          MAY help restore populations.
2022: Soylent Green is People!

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Knowledge w/o character
Commerce w/o morality
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Worship w/o sacrifice
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