Climate Change and Colorado Plateau Ecosystems


A postdoctoral/masters position is available at the USGS Canyonlands 
Research Station located in Moab, UT.  The successful candidate will work 
on a collaborative project examining how climate change (experimentally 
manipulations with heating lamps and watering treatments) will affect 
soils, biological soil crusts, plants, and nutrient cycles of the Colorado 
Plateau.  Within the framework of this large, DOE-funded experiment, this 
position will: 1) oversee treatments and supervise technicians helping 
with data collection, 2) synthesize data to explore patterns of climate 
change linkages to ecosystem function, 3) effectively use statistical 
analyses to assess effects, and 4) communicate results in presentations 
and peer-reviewed publications.  This experiment offers an exciting 
opportunity to elucidate how climate change – predicted to be notably 
strong on the Colorado Plateau – will affect the plants, soils, and 
ecosystem function of the region.  Specifically, this position will focus 
on 1) how treatments affect plant cover, physiology (e.g., gas exchange, 
fluorimeter), and phenology and 2) exploring why lichens and mosses are 
dying under the imposed treatments (e.g., lack of osmoprotectants or UV 
pigments?), using a combination of laboratory and field experiments. A 
Ph.D./Master degree is required and a background in laboratory and field 
methods in ecology, plant/moss/lichen physiology, and/or biogeochemistry 
is preferred. The Canyonlands Research Station is a USGS-BRD facility and 
the successful applicant would be working with Drs. Jayne Belnap and Sasha 
Reed.  Moab, UT is a small town offering a variety of outdoor adventures, 
and more information about Moab can be found at 
SALARY AND START DATE: Salary depends on degree:  for PhD, is $47,500/year 
and Masters is $38,800 plus full benefits. Preferred start date is late 
fall, 2012. Position is expected to last 1.5 years, but possibly longer. 

APPLICATIONS: Interested individuals should submit a cover letter, 
curriculum vitae, and three references to Sasha Reed ( or 
mailed to 2290 S.W. Resource Blvd., Moab, UT 84532).  Electronic 
applications are preferred.  

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