
I am looking for funding for a PhD to search for anticancer compounds
within sea slugs. My host university and advisor would be at the University
of the Philippines, Diliman. I am a US citizen and will be done my Masters
in marine biology sometime between the end of August and early October.
Does anyone know of any grants or fellowships I could apply for this type
of research other than the NIH graduate fellowship (F31)? My GRE scores
have expired. I am looking for grants and fellowships that do not require
the GRE. I do not qualify for the NSF Graduate Fellowship since I already
will have a Masters degree. Any help and suggestions for funding
opportunities would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 10:30 AM, David Inouye <ino...@umd.edu> wrote:

> Volunteer Divers in Marine Protected Areas (Philippines), March/April 2013
> Project Seahorse and its NGO partner in the Philippines are seeking
> volunteer, certified SCUBA divers (minimum 15 logged dives) who are
> interested in participating in a long-term monitoring program for marine
> protected areas (MPAs) in northern Bohol, Philippines.
> The surveys are conducted biannually, one in the dry season (March/April)
> and one in the wet season (Sept/Oct). An eight-week commitment is required
> comprising approximately two weeks of training and six weeks of survey
> work. Surveys are easily influenced by weather and other unpredictable
> events, so the duration of the fieldwork may vary. If completed quickly,
> volunteers will be asked to assist with other conservation work, such as
> data encoding or assisting with other biological field programs.
> Download an application in <http://seahorse.fisheries.**
> ubc.ca/sites/seahorse.**fisheries.ubc.ca/files/**uploads/documents/pdfs/**
> volunteer-application2011.pdf<http://seahorse.fisheries.ubc.ca/sites/seahorse.fisheries.ubc.ca/files/uploads/documents/pdfs/volunteer-application2011.pdf>
> >**pdf or <http://seahorse.fisheries.**ubc.ca/sites/seahorse.**
> fisheries.ubc.ca/files/**uploads/documents/pdfs/**
> volunteer-application2011.doc<http://seahorse.fisheries.ubc.ca/sites/seahorse.fisheries.ubc.ca/files/uploads/documents/pdfs/volunteer-application2011.doc>
> >**Word format. The application deadline for the March/April survey has
> been extended to Dec. 15, 2012. Please email your application to Angelie
> Nellas at <mailto:a.nellas@**projectseahorse.org<a.nel...@projectseahorse.org>
> >a.nellas@**projectseahorse.org <a.nel...@projectseahorse.org>. For more
> information, visit 
> <http://seahorse.fisheries.**ubc.ca/volunteer<http://seahorse.fisheries.ubc.ca/volunteer>
> >http://**seahorse.fisheries.ubc.ca/**volunteer<http://seahorse.fisheries.ubc.ca/volunteer>
> .
> About Project Seahorse
> Project Seahorse is a marine conservation organisation based at the
> University of British Columbia, Canada and the Zoological Society of
> London. We are committed to the conservation and sustainable use of the
> world’s coastal marine ecosystems. We generate cutting-edge research and
> turn our findings into highly effective conservation interventions ­ often
> in collaboration with other researchers, governments, and local
> communities. Led by Dr. Amanda Vincent and Dr. Heather Koldewey, global
> experts on seahorse conservation, Project Seahorse has been recognized with
> many 
> <http://seahorse.fisheries.**ubc.ca/who-we-are/**achievements-awards<http://seahorse.fisheries.ubc.ca/who-we-are/achievements-awards>
> >**international awards and honours, including the Rolex Award for
> Enterprise and the Whitley Award in Animal Conservation

Carissa Shipman
Graduate Assistant in Public Programs
Biology Department
San Francisco State University
c/o Dr. Terrence Gosliner
California Academy of Sciences
55 Music Concourse Dr
Golden Gate Park
San Francisco, CA 94118

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