Hi, Ecolog-Lers

please find the weekly digest of the new posts from the Google+ community 
"Biocultural Landscapes and seascapes" (BCLS). You can interact around these 
posts with the authors on 
See instructions at the bottom of the message to join the community.

- Post 1 (by B. Montanari from Kent Centre of Biocultural Diversity): the 
future of agriculture and integration with TEK in Moroccan mountains.

- Post 2: post shared from The International Ecotourism Society (TIES) that 
presents an ecotourism crowdfunding project as a way to sustain local 
biodiversity and culture in the countryside around the Black Sea (Ukraine, 
Turkey and Georgia). 

- Post 3 (by Dr. Georgina Cullman: AMNH): Videos available online from AMNH 
2013 Symposium: Understanding Ecological and Social Resilience in Island 
Systems: Informing Policy and Sharing Lessons for Management

- Post 4 (by Dr JB Pichancourt CSIRO): Event registration to the 2013 
Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism Conference (Kenya, from September 24-27): 
The conference program will feature ideas, opportunities and solutions for 
the tourism industry to support conserving natural areas, alleviating 
poverty, empowering women, enhancing education, and improving the health and 
well-being of local communities.

- Post 5 (by Dr Louis Wertz from EcoAgriculture Partners: Landscape for 
people, food and Nature): on The Landscapes Roundtable series on urban food 
issues concludes today with a post from Rafael Tuts of UN Habitat. Check out 
the entire series.

- Post 6 (by Dr Gleb Raygorodetsky from UNU AIS-TKI): Changing With the 
Land: The Skolt Sámi’s Path to Climate Change Resilience (from National 

-Post 7 (by Steven Liaros from Griffith Uni): presents their 7 month journey 
to explore ideas for building ecovillages and intentional communities.  

- Post 8 (by Dr. JB Pichancourt from CSIRO) - presents paper published this 
month in Global Environmental Change that illuminate how bio-cultural 
refugia store, revive and transmit memory of agricultural biodiversity and 
ecosystem services, and how such social memories are carried forward between 
people and across cohorts.

- Post 9: (by Scott Jorgensen): Help his Kickstarter campaign to build 
resilient bee/urban agriculture/local community system.

- Post 10 (by PhD Samantha Andrew from University of Exeter): Solving Triple 
Bottom line issues for local traditional fisheries in Bangladesh 

- Post 11 (by JB Pichancourt from CSIRO): How can local communities maintain 
traditional ecological knowledge? - Million Bellay from the African 
Biodiversity Network (ABN) answers this question.

- Post 12 (by PhD Samantha Andrew from Exeter Uni) on Triple-bottom line 
issues in tropical Pacific fisheries and relation with climate change  

- Post 13 (by PhD Christoph Rupprecht from Griffith Uni):  August 2013 
National Geographic looks at the connection of biodiversity and culture in 
Transylvania (Europe).

- Post 14 (by JB Pichancourt from CSIRO): Jeff Campbell, Director of 
Grantmaking of the Christensen Fund (US private foundation focusing its 
support on Biocultural programs), has been offered to head up the newly 
launched Forest and Farm Facility.

- Post 15 (by Dr Elizabeth Lester from the Ecological Society of America): 
Are human conservation choices redefining the fitness of an ancient survival 
strategy in the Yellow-Stone National Park?

-Post 16 (by JB Pichancourt from CSIRO): Bioversity International is working 
with countries to help countries implement the International Treaty on Plant 
Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Representatives of Bhutan, 
Burkina Faso, Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire, Guatemala, Nepal, Rwanda and Uganda 
speak about the challenges they face.

- Post 17 (by JB Pichancourt from CSIRO): Beyond the biocultural landscape 
and biocultural diversity, the 'inextricable [biocultural] links' that 
underpin the adaptive capacities of the whole biocultural system. 

If you don’t have a Google+ account yet, follow these 3 steps to join the 
BCLS community:

1. Create a Google+ account as explained in this video 
2. Click on https://plus.google.com/communities/110834970079444098643
3. Click on the red icon "join community"

Cheers - the BCLS group

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