Position description: The Department of Forestry at Michigan State
University is seeking a highly motivated post-doctoral researcher to
investigate the biogeochemical role of soil black carbon in fire-prone
temperate forests.  The researcher will work under the supervision of Dr.
Jessica Miesel to investigate relationships among forest fuels, fire and
black C; to understand the role of black C in soil nutrient and microbial
community dynamics; and to quantify black C fluxes following fire
disturbance. The post-doctoral researcher will also be expected to actively
participate in proposal writing and publishing, and to contribute to
mentoring graduate and undergraduate student researchers. Additional
professional development activities will be supported according to the
post-doc’s interest and available opportunities.

Qualifications: The successful applicant will have: 1) a PhD in ecology,
soil science, forestry, or related field; 2) research experience and
publication record in forest soil or black carbon biogeochemistry; 3)
strong communication and collaboration skills; 4) strong organizational
skills, and 5) experience planning and conducting field work in remote
locations. The position will be based at Michigan State University in East
Lansing, MI, with occasional travel for field work. The position is a
one-year appointment with potential for extension depending on funding and
satisfactory performance.

To Apply: Applicants should email as a single PDF: 1) a letter of interest
detailing qualifications for the position, 2) curriculum vitae, 3) a list
of 3 professional references with contact information (institution, email
address, phone number), and 4) three samples of professional writing, to
Jessica Miesel at miese...@msu.edu.

Application deadline: Applications will be considered on a rolling basis so
you are encouraged to apply as early as possible. Desired start date is
early January 2014.

For more information: Contact Dr. Jessica Miesel at miese...@msu.edu or (517)

In-person meetings can be arranged for applicants attending the ESA meeting
in Minneapolis, MN August 4-9, 2013.
Jessica R. Miesel, PhD
Assistant Professor of Applied Forest Ecology and Management
Department of Forestry
Michigan State University
Natural Resources Building
480 Wilson Rd., Rm. 110
East Lansing, MI 48824-1222

Office phone: 517-355-8239
Google voice (mobile): 920-341-3473

Email: miese...@msu.edu
Website: http://www.for.msu.edu/faculty/jessica_miesel

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